
It is always a good idea to inspect your property for storm damage if a hail or wind storm recently occurred. No matter how small you perceive it to be. Every storm is different. We’ve seen it all.

Take a close look at this picture. If you didn’t see holes in the siding, windows, and other components would you even think to inspect your roof? Most homeowners wouldn’t.

Sometimes large hail falls and doesn’t do any damage at all. Typically that occurs when the hail is visually white with little wind. Other times we’ve seen very small hail damage property. In these scenarios the hail is typically clear looking (the clearer the harder) and wind driven. Other factors include the type and age of the building materials. The older the building product the more susceptible it is to becoming damaged. Slopes of your roof pitch can also be a factor.

Wind damage is not always easy to spot either. Many people think the only type of wind damage you can have is when you physically see a shingle missing or piece of siding torn. Although that’s a sure type way to ask for a professional inspection many people don’t know that asphalt shingles can become damaged if their seals are broken (these are on the back of the shingle and keep them from flapping in the wind) even if they have not blown off. In many cases your shingles warranty may be void and the expected useful life is no longer viable.

Now there are some things that you can do to inspect your property yourself. The easiest thing to do is to do a ground inspection where you walk around your home inspecting every square inch of the property. If you are looking for hail damage focus on the soft metals such as your gutters and downspouts. If you are inspecting larger properties such as commercial buildings it’s important to begin your inspection prepared. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to capture a Google Earth screen shot and then label each building. Each building should have it’s own inspection. Start on the front elevation and work your way around in a clock wise manner. Create a templated inspection report so that you don’t miss anything and be sure to not rush yourself.

Damage is damage no matter what the size. Even a small piece of cracked siding or fracture to a shingle on your roof can lead to larger problems over time. Furthermore, most insurance policy’s state that you must file a claim within a certain amount of time and take action to prevent additional damage.

Association Reconstruction’s professionals are well-versed in storm damage. Interested in having your home, homeowners association, business, or industrial property inspected for storm damage? Contact us today for a free consultation.